Chunyuan Deng ι‚“ζ·³θΏœ

I am an incoming CS PhD Student at Rice University advised by Prof. Hanjie Chen. I am also affliated with Yale NLP and Georgia Tech.

My research interests are mainly in architecture design and (mech) understanding of model internals.

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πŸ”¦ Selected Publication

A selection of recent work that represent my research style.

Investigating Data Contamination in Modern Benchmarks for Large Language Models
Chunyuan Deng, Yilun Zhao, Xiangru Tang, Mark Gerstein, Arman Cohan
NAACL 2024 (long papers). | Short Version in NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on on Backdoors in Deep Learning

We present TS-Guessing: a method masking the portion of the testset/benchmark to guide LLMs to guess what is missing.

πŸŽ„ Miscellaneous

In my free time, I enjoy walking around the city photographing magnificent architecture, gorgeous scenery, and lovely interactions between human beings. πŸŒ‡